Human Design session *Soul reading* discover your True Self, your Purpose and how to Live in it


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Empower yourself through discovering, embodying and living your uniqueness.

You deserve to live a life of joy, harmony, vitality, success, fulfilling connections, abundance and honest self expression, and to live it in a way that is true to your essence, your soul.

You are
meant to feel good and to live the life of your dreams!

That might sound cliché but your dreams are yours for a reason, they are not mine and mine are not yours. You are here to bring them into reality and to enjoy the process.

a 60-75 minutes initial session


a follow up check-in, more in depth, coaching and [re]calibrating 60 minute session.

Human Design is a powerful self-knowledge, self-help and self-healing tool.

Based on your exact time of birth and location, it is an integration of ancient and modern sciences such as astrology, Neutrino (subatomic particles) stream, I-ching, epigenetics, the Kabbalah tree of life, and the Hindu chakras system;
showing your energetic blueprint, your unique roadmap, to being your pure Authentic self.

We all have our own energy and are meant to use our energy differently.
Not at all the same, as the world would like us to think. What works perfectly for me, doesn’t apply 1:1 to you.

HD shows you what the correct way to live your life, to utilize your energy, is for you.
When you do use your energy in the right way for you;
in your work, how you eat and move, how you take in and process information, how you make decisions, how you communicate, what type of environments are best for you, etc.;
will connect you to everything you desire into your life.

Living your design more is like you are adjusting your vibration, tuning yourself to your inherent frequency, and that frequency corresponds to and draws to you every heart desire.

To love yourself is to know yourself deeply.
Your Human Design offers your deep insight and all the guidance you need.
Living in accordance to your design is the way.

I will read your HD blueprint to you in an easily understandable language, making the information palatable and easily digestible for you.
You will receive many practical and easily applicable tools throughout, that you can start to implement immediately, to the extent that is meaningful to you.

We say that this is an experimental and experiential system.
You receive the insights and then you put them into practice.
The more that you do, the more you will live in alignment and you will have your own proof of how this really works.

All you have to do is try, and watch your entire life improve.
this is a 100% guarantee

Every single person I have personally read for has said “I wish I would have known this my entire life”


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Empower yourself through discovering, embodying and living your uniqueness.

You deserve to live a life of joy, harmony, vitality, success, fulfilling connections, abundance and honest self expression, and to live it in a way that is true to your essence, your soul.

You are
meant to feel good and to live the life of your dreams!

That might sound cliché but your dreams are yours for a reason, they are not mine and mine are not yours. You are here to bring them into reality and to enjoy the process.

a 60-75 minutes initial session


a follow up check-in, more in depth, coaching and [re]calibrating 60 minute session.

Human Design is a powerful self-knowledge, self-help and self-healing tool.

Based on your exact time of birth and location, it is an integration of ancient and modern sciences such as astrology, Neutrino (subatomic particles) stream, I-ching, epigenetics, the Kabbalah tree of life, and the Hindu chakras system;
showing your energetic blueprint, your unique roadmap, to being your pure Authentic self.

We all have our own energy and are meant to use our energy differently.
Not at all the same, as the world would like us to think. What works perfectly for me, doesn’t apply 1:1 to you.

HD shows you what the correct way to live your life, to utilize your energy, is for you.
When you do use your energy in the right way for you;
in your work, how you eat and move, how you take in and process information, how you make decisions, how you communicate, what type of environments are best for you, etc.;
will connect you to everything you desire into your life.

Living your design more is like you are adjusting your vibration, tuning yourself to your inherent frequency, and that frequency corresponds to and draws to you every heart desire.

To love yourself is to know yourself deeply.
Your Human Design offers your deep insight and all the guidance you need.
Living in accordance to your design is the way.

I will read your HD blueprint to you in an easily understandable language, making the information palatable and easily digestible for you.
You will receive many practical and easily applicable tools throughout, that you can start to implement immediately, to the extent that is meaningful to you.

We say that this is an experimental and experiential system.
You receive the insights and then you put them into practice.
The more that you do, the more you will live in alignment and you will have your own proof of how this really works.

All you have to do is try, and watch your entire life improve.
this is a 100% guarantee

Every single person I have personally read for has said “I wish I would have known this my entire life”


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price excluding 21% VAT
please message me personally to schedule your session
before you sign up

Empower yourself through discovering, embodying and living your uniqueness.

You deserve to live a life of joy, harmony, vitality, success, fulfilling connections, abundance and honest self expression, and to live it in a way that is true to your essence, your soul.

You are
meant to feel good and to live the life of your dreams!

That might sound cliché but your dreams are yours for a reason, they are not mine and mine are not yours. You are here to bring them into reality and to enjoy the process.

a 60-75 minutes initial session


a follow up check-in, more in depth, coaching and [re]calibrating 60 minute session.

Human Design is a powerful self-knowledge, self-help and self-healing tool.

Based on your exact time of birth and location, it is an integration of ancient and modern sciences such as astrology, Neutrino (subatomic particles) stream, I-ching, epigenetics, the Kabbalah tree of life, and the Hindu chakras system;
showing your energetic blueprint, your unique roadmap, to being your pure Authentic self.

We all have our own energy and are meant to use our energy differently.
Not at all the same, as the world would like us to think. What works perfectly for me, doesn’t apply 1:1 to you.

HD shows you what the correct way to live your life, to utilize your energy, is for you.
When you do use your energy in the right way for you;
in your work, how you eat and move, how you take in and process information, how you make decisions, how you communicate, what type of environments are best for you, etc.;
will connect you to everything you desire into your life.

Living your design more is like you are adjusting your vibration, tuning yourself to your inherent frequency, and that frequency corresponds to and draws to you every heart desire.

To love yourself is to know yourself deeply.
Your Human Design offers your deep insight and all the guidance you need.
Living in accordance to your design is the way.

I will read your HD blueprint to you in an easily understandable language, making the information palatable and easily digestible for you.
You will receive many practical and easily applicable tools throughout, that you can start to implement immediately, to the extent that is meaningful to you.

We say that this is an experimental and experiential system.
You receive the insights and then you put them into practice.
The more that you do, the more you will live in alignment and you will have your own proof of how this really works.

All you have to do is try, and watch your entire life improve.
this is a 100% guarantee

Every single person I have personally read for has said “I wish I would have known this my entire life”


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how this works and why knowing your design is a must

Be the unique, most authentically expressed and successful You
:: who you are born to be, who the world needs you to be ::

Have you found yourself thinking:
Who am I?
What is my purpose?
How do I find my true happiness?
How do I learn to love myself?
How do I grow my confidence?
How do I find out what my unique gifts are?
How do I connect to my intuition?
What am I meant to do with my life and how do I spend my energy (and time) in the most useful way possible?

You are meant to live a magnificent life, on your own terms, in your very own way.

What it all comes down to is that your human design chart, based on your exact birth time and location, is an anchor, a tuning fork, a map that offers you guidance based on your true destiny.
It gives you insight into your auric architecture, how your aura is designed to work, how to most constructively use your energy.

In our session, I will offer you a translation of your blueprint in an easily comprehendible manner.
As readers we do our studies and extensive practice so that we can offer it to you in digestible portions.

A human design gives you insight into;
- how your aura affects other people, and how you draw people, experiences, opportunities into your life.
- whether you are meant to be on the go all the time, using up your energy throughout the day, or whether you are meant to work in spurts and take prolonged periods of rest throughout the day.
- your inner authority, the very specific intuition that speaks to you and guides your through the signals of your physical body.
intuition is not in the mind, as the mind has a defined filter, it is more of a calculator, a computer, not a compass.
- your strategy; how you make your decisions as you move through your day, through your life.
For example:
are you receiving gut feelings and immediately responding with a knowing YES or NO,
are you riding emotional waves and needing time to get clarity on knowing YES or NO,
are you an initiator, getting strong urges and meant to follow them instinctively, even when they make no sense at all;
are you meant to be recognized for your gifts and invited in by the other before you can share;

- your true-self theme, the internal and external sign/feeling that indicates you are in alignment.
- your not-true-self theme, the internal and external sign/feeling that indicates you are not in alignment; that you are living how others expect of you, not how you are meant to.
- physical signs, discomforts and ailments that are manifestations of you not living as your true self.
- how you best communicate your needs with others; how to be yourself with least resistance from the people around you and the most support.
- manifest by specifically detailing what it is you are calling in, or manifest by having an idea and a feeling more so than being clear on the details.
- your life-theme, your destiny.
- what the best strategy to take in food is, in order to have the most powerful and effective digestion;
- whether you thrive on routine or you thrive on not having routine.
- and so much more.